MachSynch already established in Smart manufacturing: Countless alloy smart phone, notebook/tablet bodies machined using our MachSensing wireless AI IOT Monitor/ QC system for optimal CNC cutter sharpness!
Minimizes loss due to scrap and rework! Ideal for large volume production environments and high precision/tight tolerance workpieces!
MachSensing: Makes Sense!
The 1st Wave!
The value of our AIoT sensor systems and wireless connectivity: providing real-time rapid process diagnostics!
Stabilizes Production Quality/Easily Collates Data and Provides Different Formats for Viewing/Sharing/Maximizes Processing Performance!
Now with wireless re-charging! Find out more here.
Silicon Wafer Shower Head
Actual Examples from super challenging tiny diameter: deep bore (0.5 x 2mm holes x 100) SiC Wafer rinsing system for even deposition of solution. MachSensing diagnostics show you both condition of drill bit in action and it’s actual positional alignment inside of hole.